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Understanding the EFET General Agreement for Electricity

If you are involved in the energy industry, you may have heard of the European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET), a non-profit association representing wholesale traders and brokers in the electricity, gas, and environmental markets. One of the main activities of EFET is to develop standard contracts for trading energy commodities, which aim to promote transparency, efficiency, and liquidity in the markets.

One of the most widely used contracts in the electricity sector is the EFET General Agreement for Electricity, or GA-EFET, which provides a framework for the physical and financial trading of electricity in Europe and beyond. In this article, we will explore the key features and benefits of GA-EFET, as well as some challenges and updates.

Overview of GA-EFET

GA-EFET is a template agreement that can be adapted to different types of electricity transactions, such as delivery contracts, swap contracts, options, and capacity allocation agreements. GA-EFET consists of a main agreement and several annexes, which cover various aspects of the transaction, such as the specifications of the electricity, the delivery terms, the payment terms, the force majeure situations, the disputes resolution, and the governing law.

GA-EFET is designed to be a balanced and flexible contract that reflects the needs and interests of both buyers and sellers of electricity. GA-EFET allows the parties to customize many clauses to their specific needs and to choose from different options for pricing, payment, and delivery mechanisms. GA-EFET also provides a standardized language and structure that facilitates communication and interpretation of the contract across different jurisdictions and languages.

Benefits of GA-EFET

GA-EFET offers several benefits to the energy market participants, such as:

– Efficiency: GA-EFET reduces the transaction costs and time for negotiating and drafting individual contracts, as well as the risk of misunderstandings and errors.

– Liquidity: GA-EFET creates a common platform for trading electricity that enables many buyers and sellers to access the market and to find matching counterparties.

– Transparency: GA-EFET promotes transparency by requiring the parties to disclose certain information about the transaction and the electricity, and by providing standard definitions and formulas for calculating the prices and quantities.

– Security: GA-EFET provides a reliable and enforceable legal framework for the parties to fulfill their obligations and to resolve disputes that may arise from the transaction.

Challenges and Updates of GA-EFET

Despite its many advantages, GA-EFET faces some challenges and criticisms from some stakeholders, such as:

– Complexity: GA-EFET can be seen as too complex and technical for some smaller market players or for non-European markets, which may prefer simpler or more customized contracts.

– Compliance: GA-EFET is subject to various legal and regulatory frameworks that may differ among countries or regions, and that may require additional clauses or conditions to be included in the contract.

– Adaptation: GA-EFET needs to be updated periodically to reflect the changes in the market conditions, the technological advances, and the policy developments that may affect the electricity trading.

To address these issues, EFET has launched several initiatives to improve GA-EFET, such as:

– Simplification: EFET has developed a simplified version of GA-EFET for small-scale or non-standard transactions, called the Small Scale Electricity Trading Agreement (SSETA), which is less detailed and more adaptable than GA-EFET.

– Compliance: EFET has created a compliance program for GA-EFET that aims to ensure that the contract complies with the relevant legal and regulatory requirements in different jurisdictions and to provide guidance to the parties on how to use the contract.

– Adaptation: EFET has set up a working group that regularly reviews and updates GA-EFET to incorporate the latest market developments and to enhance its usability and relevance.


GA-EFET is a standard contract for trading electricity that offers many benefits to the energy market participants, such as efficiency, liquidity, transparency, and security. GA-EFET is also a complex and evolving contract that requires continuous adaptation and compliance with the legal and regulatory frameworks. As a professional, you can help to improve the readability, accuracy, and relevance of the GA-EFET documents by applying the best practices in copywriting, editing, and SEO optimization.